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The Blaze image component doubles up as a placeholder image if a specific source isn't provided.

The images are also lazy loaded once they come into view.

Images supplied by Unsplash.

<blaze-image alt="random placeholder image" user="erondu" width="1024" height="768" filter="mountains" likes></blaze-image>

Image attributes

src="<url>"URL to a specific image
alt="<alt text>"URL to a specific image
user="<username>"To choose a random photo from a specific user
filter="<search term>"To narrow the selection of a random photo by supply a list of comma-separated search terms
likes (boolean)Similar to finding a photo taken by a user, you can fetch a random photo that has been liked by a specific user
width="<number>"The width of the image to fetch
height="<number>"The height of the image to fetch


random placeholder image
<img alt="random placeholder image" class="o-image" src="" />